34. Instead, the Department’s ability to access the information arises from its function as the forest licensing authority. The Minister or authorised officers of the Department are entitled to access the information for the purpose of assessing compliance with the licence conditions / carrying out enforcement functions under the relevant forestry legislation. Outside of this role, the Department has no role in managing or overseeing this information. I note the appellant’s contentions to this Office that “[t]he Department’s ability to access the information arises from its function as the competent authority for forestry, not merely as the forestry licensing authority” and reiterate that the Forestry Act 2014 at Part 6 (Enforcement), section 24 (Powers of authorised officers) provides that authorised officers have various powers for the purposes of the relevant statutory provisions provided for under that Act. I also note the appellant’s contention that in decision OCE-148308-J1V2C8, OCE-148335-C1Y3P0, OCE-148824-T9S9R3, OCE-151808-M7B5Y2, “the Commissioner makes no reference to the fact that the licensee has been required to create the record in the first instance. The Department requires the information to be maintained. I consider this to be a role in the management of the information. The Department has created a requirement for the retention of the information. Retention is a form of management”. In this decision, as in my previous decision, I have acknowledged above that the Department requires, through licence conditions, the creation of and is able to inspect monitoring information (and dates of works), can take copies of / retain that information, and requires that information for the purposes of undertaking its enforcement role. Furthermore, and as also noted in my previous decision, it would be open to the licensee to choose not to create (or destroy) the relevant monitoring information (and dates of works) and keep it for possible inspection as necessary, albeit this would be in contravention of licence conditions. If that was the case, action could be taken by the Department under the relevant forestry legislation. Therefore, while the Department can access the monitoring information (and dates of works) sought for the purpose of its forestry licensing functions, that does not, in my view, equate to there being no limitation on the Minister’s power to acquire the requested information, or equate to the information being held for the Department, within the meaning of article 3(1) of the AIE Regulations. The appellant disputes the foregoing in his submissions stating “[i]t is open to any individual or Public Authority not to create information that it is required to create contrary to the law. I am at a loss to understand how this justifies the Commissioner’s position vis-à-vis with the status of the information with respect to the Department’s position under Article 4”; “the Commissioner has not stated what the limitation is on the powers of the Minister to acquire the requested information. The powers afforded under Article 24 of the Forestry Act (2014) are not restricted to the Minister’s licensing function; they relate to the broad functions of the Minister with respect to forestry matters”; and “the Commissioner confused the Minister’s role under the licensing element of the Forestry Act (2014) with his wider duties under the Forestry Act (2014) and his duties under the AIE Regulations”. However, I am satisfied in my position outlined above that while the Department can access the monitoring information (and dates of works) sought for the purpose of its forestry licensing functions / its enforcement role of the relevant statutory provisions under the Forestry Act 2014, that does not, equate to their being no limitation on the Minister’s power to acquire the requested information, or equate to the information in the possession of licensees being held for the Department within the meaning of article 3(1) of the AIE Regulations. I consider that the fact that the licensee could choose not to comply with the license condition is relevant to the degree of control that the Department could be said to have over the information in question.