Article 12(5)(c) provides that where I annul a decision of a public authority, and where it is appropriate to do so, I must require the public authority to make available environmental information to the applicant. I note that under article 7(3)(a)(i) of the AIE Regulations, where a request for access to information is made in a particular form or manner, the public authority must provide the information in that form or manner, unless the information is already available to the public in another form or manner. I note that the text of the Aarhus Convention, decision I/7 on review of compliance, and written ACCC procedures on communications are publicly available on the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe website ( Accordingly, I am satisfied that insofar as the Department's procedures contain information on ACCC procedures or on the provisions of the Aarhus Convention, the Department is not obliged to provide access to this information as recorded in its own procedural documents, since this environmental information is easily accessible to the public online. I therefore find that, for the purposes of article 12(5)(c), it is not appropriate to require the Department to provide access to this environmental information.