Summary: The Commissioner found that the Council had conducted adequate searches for all information that might be relevant to the requests and had released this information to the appellants. He affirmed the Council’s decision in each appeal.
Date: 22-10-2024
Case Number: OCE-136441-X9V7R8, OCE-138655-N0Z7X4
Public Body: Cavan County Council
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: The Commissioner affirmed the Department’s decision to refuse access to all of the information at issue relating to the HydroSed project under article 9(2)(c) of the AIE Regulations.
Date: 21-10-2024
Case Number: OCE-145063-L9C7F8
Public Body: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.9(2)(c)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the IAA was not justified in withholding redacted information and directed its release. He also found that it was not correct for the IAA to transcribe information from email correspondence and release it to the appellant in this form and directed it to release copies of that correspondence, suitably redacted. He further directed the IAA to conduct further searches in order to identify other information that might be relevant to the request.
Date: 18-10-2024
Case Number: OCE-141513-Y0T1D8
Public Body: Irish Aviation Authority
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5) Art.8(a)(i)
Summary: The Commissioner annulled the Council’s decision under article 7(5) of the AIE Regulations. He directed the Council to undertake a fresh internal review decision making process in respect of the appellant’s request.
Date: 18-10-2024
Case Number: OCE-150154-J7B4Y7
Public Body: Sligo County Council
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the Council’s decision was not justified having regard to the AIE Regulations, as the Council had not provided adequate reasons for its decision or carried out a public interest test. The Commissioner annulled the decision of the Council.
Date: 18-10-2024
Case Number: OCE-152493-R2X8V7
Public Body: Westmeath County Council
Article of the Reg.: Art.9(2)(a)
Summary: The Commissioner found that reasonable and appropriate searches had been undertaken to identify and retrieve environmental information within the scope of the appellant’s request and affirmed the decision of Bord na Móna
Date: 14-10-2024
Case Number: OCE-146169-T9M1B8
Public Body: Bord na Móna
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: The Commissioner annulled ABP’s decision. He directed ABP to release electronic copies of all of the information relevant to the appellant’s request.
Date: 11-10-2024
Case Number: OCE-136964-J3X0J7
Public Body: An Bord Pleanála
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(3) Art.15(1)
Summary: The Commissioner annulled ABP’s decision. He directed ABP to release electronic copies of all of the information relevant to the appellant’s request.
Date: 11-10-2024
Case Number: OCE-138852-B7L5N8
Public Body: An Bord Pleanála
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(3) Art.15(1)
Summary: The Commissioner annulled ABP’s decision. He directed ABP to release electronic copies of the scans of all of the information relevant to the appellant’s request.
Date: 11-10-2024
Case Number: OCE-142809-D8L5W4
Public Body: An Bord Pleanála
Article of the Reg.:
Summary: The Commissioner annulled ABP’s decision. He directed ABP to release electronic copies of all of the information relevant to the appellant’s request.
Date: 11-10-2024
Case Number: OCE-138533-S6C8Y9
Public Body: An Bord Pleanála
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(3) Art.15(1)