Summary: The Commissioner annulled the Department’s decision. He directed the Department to conduct a fresh internal review decision-making process in respect of the appellant’s request.
Date: 15-08-2024
Case Number: OCE-146824-G1D1J6
Public Body: Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: The Commissioner found that Records 22, 23 & 28 are “environmental information”. He also found that article 9(1)(b) could not be said to apply to the withheld information and annulled the decision of DAA. In addition to the release of seven (7) records that DAA is no longer withholding and are publicly available, i.e. Records 03, 08, 09, 10, 13, 14 & 15, the Commissioner directed DAA to release all remaining identified information to the appellant, apart from Record 24, which he considered to be outside of scope of the appellant’s request.
Date: 15-08-2024
Case Number: OCE-148125-H8H6K9
Public Body: DAA Public Limited Company
Article of the Reg.: Art.3(1) Art.9(1)(b)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the request had not been dealt with in accordance with article 3 of the AIE Directive and article 7 of the AIE Regulations. He annulled the decision of the Department and directed release of the information sought.
Date: 30-07-2024
Case Number: OCE-150742-X3G1W9
Public Body: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(1)
Summary: Summary of Commissioner's Decision: The Commissioner found that BnM was not justified in refusing access to the information sought relating to all purchase orders over €20,000 in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 contained on the identified spreadsheet on the basis that the information is not “environmental information” within the meaning of the definition in article 3(1) of the AIE Regulations. He annulled BnM’s decision and directed it to undertake a fresh internal review decision-making process in respect of the information sought.
Date: 29-07-2024
Case Number: OCE-128538-M9C1X7
Public Body: Bord na Móna
Article of the Reg.: Art.3(1)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the request has been dealt with in accordance with Article 5(2) of the AIE Directive (implemented by article 15(1) of the AIE Regulations)
Date: 17-07-2024
Case Number: OCE-137824-M9H4X5
Public Body: Coillte
Article of the Reg.:
Summary: The Commissioner found that reasonable and appropriate searches had been undertaken to identify and retrieve environmental information within the scope of the appellant’s request and affirmed the decision of Coillte.
Date: 10-07-2024
Case Number: OCE-145346-Y6V5T2
Public Body: Coillte
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the information requested was information on the environment and that the refusals were not justified under article 8(a)(iv), as the proceedings of Revenue did not fall within the definition of proceedings in the article. Accordingly, the Commissioner annulled the decisions and directed release of the information, with appropriate redactions to exclude information outside the scope of the appeals and personal information, including related to third parties, that is not required by the appellant.
Date: 27-06-2024
Case Number: OCE-129470-Y6P0W0, OCE-129479-J2F0W9
Public Body: Office of the Revenue Commissioners
Article of the Reg.: Art.3(1) Art.8(a)(iv)
Summary: The Commissioner found that Coillte dealt with the request in accordance with Article 5(2) of the AIE Directive (transposed by article 15(1) of the AIE Regulations)
Date: 26-06-2024
Case Number: OCE-137307-B0F3Z7
Public Body: Coillte
Article of the Reg.: Art.15(1)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the information requested was “environmental information” and remitted the matter to the IDA for further consideration.
Date: 25-06-2024
Case Number: OCE-137264-J2R1S1
Public Body: IDA Ireland
Article of the Reg.: Art.3(1)
Summary: The Commissioner annulled the internal review decision of the Department in each case.
Date: 20-06-2024
Case Number: OCE-146307-C2M9K6, OCE-147098-T7K4G4
Public Body: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)