Summary: The Commissioner affirmed the decision of the Board to refuse the request on the basis that the information sought was not held by, or for it, under article 7(1) of the AIE Regulations.
Date: 23-05-2024
Case Number: OCE-143025-X5B2B5
Public Body: An Bord Pleanála
Article of the Reg.: Art.6(1) Art.7 Art.7(1) Art.7(7)
Summary: The Commissioner found that reasonable and appropriate searches had been undertaken to identify and retrieve environmental information within the scope of the appellant’s request and affirmed the decision of ESB.
Date: 20-05-2024
Case Number: OCE-141296-X9K1X8
Public Body: Electricity Supply Board (ESB)
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the Department was not justified in refusing the appellant’s request based on article 7(5) of the AIE Regulations
Date: 14-05-2024
Case Number: OCE-146330-J9T6H6
Public Body: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: The Commissioner found that Orsted and GWFL are not public authorities within the meaning of article 3(1) of the AIE Regulations
Date: 14-05-2024
Case Number: OCE-112806-S2K0Q9
Public Body: Orsted A/S (Orsted) and Garracummer Wind Farm Limited
Article of the Reg.: Art.3(1)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the EPA was entitled to rely on articles 9(1)(c) and 9(1)(d) of the AIE Regulations and affirmed the internal review decision
Date: 15-05-2024
Case Number: OCE-140990-Q6L2R2
Public Body: Environmental Protection Agency
Article of the Reg.: Art.9(1)(c) Art.9(1)(d)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the refusal of the information sought was not justified and annulled the internal review decision of the Department
Date: 14-05-2024
Case Number: OCE-121843-S7J2W0
Public Body: Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.8(a)(i)
Summary: The Commissioner annulled the decisions of Coillte.
Date: 13-05-2024
Case Number: OCE-138596-H6C8G9, OCE-135799-J6B5M5
Public Body: Coillte
Article of the Reg.: Art.9(2)(a)
Summary: The Commissioner affirmed the decision of ABP but varied the basis for that decision to refuse access to the withheld information on the basis of article 9(1)(b) .
Date: 29-04-2024
Case Number: OCE-143725-X8W0T6
Public Body: An Bord Pleanála
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(3) Art.7(5) Art.8(a)(iv) Art.9(1)(b)
Summary: The Commissioner found that Tailte Éireann was entitled to rely on article 9(1)(d) of the AIE Regulations and affirmed the internal review decision.
Date: 29-04-2024
Case Number: OCE-138355-H5S8J1
Public Body: Tailte Éireann
Article of the Reg.: Art.9(1)(d)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the Department was not justified in its reliance on articles 9(2)(a) and 9(2)(b), or articles 8(a)(i), 8(a)(ii), and 8(a)(iii). He annulled the Department’s internal review decision. The Department should provide the appellant with a new internal review decision.
Date: 26-04-2024
Case Number: OCE-127116-B6P2P5
Public Body: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.8(a)(i) Art.8(a)(ii) Art.8(a)(iii) Art.9(2)(a) Art.9(2)(b)