Summary: In accordance with Article 12(5) of the AIE Regulations, the Commissioner reviewed the decision of the City Council and found that it was justified in refusing the request for further documentation under Article 7(5) of the Regulations. She affirmed the decision of the City Council accordingly.
Date: 23-10-2012
Case Number: CEI/10/0015
Public Body: Waterford City Council
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: In accordance with Article 12(5) of the AIE Regulations, the Commissioner reviewed the decision of the City Council and found that it was justified in refusing the request for further documentation under Article 7(5) of the Regulations. She affirmed the decision of the City Council accordingly.
Date: 16-10-2012
Case Number: CEI/10/0017
Public Body: Waterford City Council
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: In accordance with Article 12(5) of the AIE Regulations, the Commissioner reviewed the decision of the City Council and found that it was justified in refusing the request for further documentation under Article 7(5) of the Regulations. She affirmed the decision of the City Council accordingly.
Date: 07-06-2012
Case Number: CEI/11/0009
Public Body: Waterford City Council
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: In accordance with Article 12(5) of the AIE Regulations, the Commissioner reviewed the decision of the AGO and found that it was justified in refusing the request under Article 9(2)(a) of the Regulations. She affirmed the decision of the AGO accordingly.
Date: 03-05-2012
Case Number: CEI/09/0014
Public Body: Office of the Attorney General (AGO)
Article of the Reg.: Art.9(2)(a)
Summary: In accordance with Article 12(5) of the AIE Regulations, the Commissioner reviewed the decision of the Bank and found that it was justified in refusing access to the information concerned on the ground that it is not environmental information within the meaning of the Regulations. She affirmed the decision of the Bank accordingly.
Date: 26-03-2012
Case Number: CEI/11/0001
Public Body: Central Bank of Ireland
Article of the Reg.:
Summary: In accordance with Article 12(5) of the Regulations, the Commissioner reviewed the decision of NAMA and found that it was not justified in refusing the request on the ground that it is not a public authority within the meaning of the Regulations. She annulled the decision of NAMA and found that it is a public authority within the meaning of the Regulations.
Date: 13-09-2011
Case Number: CEI/10/0005
Public Body: National Asset Management Agency (NAMA)
Article of the Reg.: Art.3(1)
Summary: In accordance with article 12(5) of the Regulations, the Commissioner reviewed the decision of the Bank and found that it was not justified in refusing the request on the ground that it is not a public authority within the meaning of the Regulations. She annulled the decision of the Bank and found that it is a public authority within the meaning of the Regulations.
Date: 01-09-2011
Case Number: CEI/10/0007
Public Body: Anglo Irish Bank
Article of the Reg.:
Summary: The Commissioner found that the Department was justified in its decision to refuse the request on the basis that it did not hold environmental information within the scope of the request. She found that Article 7(5) of the Regulations allows a public authority to refuse a request on the basis that the information requested is not held by it. She affirmed the Department's decision.
Date: 29-07-2011
Case Number: CEI/10/0016
Public Body: Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: In accordance with article 12(5) of the Regulations, the Commissioner reviewed the decision of Irish Rail and found that it was not justified in refusing the request. She found that the information sought is environmental information and, as none of the exceptions provided for in the Regulations apply, the information should be released. She annulled the decision and directed the release of the information.
Date: 24-06-2011
Case Number: CEI/10/0018
Public Body: Irish Rail
Article of the Reg.: Art.3(1)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the Council was not justified in its original decision. As the Council released all information identified as relevant to the request during the review, she found that Article 7(5) of the Regulations, which allows a public authority to refuse a request on the basis that the information requested is not held by it, applied to any further information. She varied the Council's decision accordingly.
Date: 27-05-2011
Case Number: CEI/09/0012
Public Body: South Dublin County Council
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)