Strategy and governance
From Office of the Commissioner for Environmental Information (OCEI)
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From Office of the Commissioner for Environmental Information (OCEI)
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Corporate Services support for the Office of the Information Commissioner and a number of other statutory Offices, is provided by the Office of the Ombudsman. While the different Offices each carry out separate and distinct statutory functions, the Office functions as a single amalgamated agency in organisational terms. The Office is funded by one Vote and overseen by an Accounting Officer (Director General) who is supported by a Management Advisory Committee. In carrying out their work our staff embrace the traditional obligations of privacy and integrity in the performance of official duties while at the same time protecting and preserving the statutory independence and functions of each of the constituent offices in which they work. Updates in relation to our Corporate Governance is set out on the Strategy and Governance page on the website of the Office of the Ombudsman.
This page includes information and updates in relation to:
• our Strategic Plan 2022-25
• our compliance with the requirements under the Official Languages Act
• our compliance with the requirements of the Protected Disclosures Act
• our compliance with the requirements under s.42 IHREC Act (the duty on public servants in relation to human rights)
• our Corporate Governance Framework
• our Green Team (including our compliance with the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act)
• membership of organisations.
The Protected Disclosures Act 2014 provides safeguards for workers who raise legitimate concerns regarding actual or potential wrongdoing in the workplace. The Office has developed procedures in line with the 2014 Act, which have been approved by the Management Team. The procedures detail:
The Office recognises the importance of ensuring that staff feel supported in the workplace. The process supports the Office’s commitment to ensuring that the culture and working environment encourages and facilitates staff in ‘speaking up’ on any issue that impinges on the Office’s ability to carry out its responsibilities.
Section 22 of the 2014 Act requires every public body to prepare and publish an annual report in relation to protected disclosures received under the provisions of that Act. The table below indicates the position:
Year | Protected Disclosures Received |
2016 | Nil |
2017 | Nil |
2018 | Nil |
2019 | Nil |
2020 | Nil |
2021 | Nil |
2022 | Nil |