Summary: The Commissioner affirmed the Department’s decision under article 7(5) of the AIE Regulations on the basis that it had taken reasonable and adequate searches, such as to identify and locate all relevant environmental information held by it in respect of the appellant’s request
Date: 18-12-2024
Case Number: OCE-149637-D5W5N3
Public Body: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: The Commissioner annulled the internal review decision as it had not been established that the request was manifestly unreasonable and directed MARA to carry out a new internal review process.
Date: 17-12-2024
Case Number: OCE-152094-C5J9B0
Public Body: An tÚdarás Rialála Limistéir Mhuirí
Article of the Reg.: Art.9(2)(a)
Summary: The Commissioner annulled Coillte’s decision. He directed Coillte to release the property acquisition form, subject to the redaction of certain information that did not fall within the scope of the review.
Date: 17-12-2024
Case Number: OCE-143973-C3S7V1
Public Body: Coillte
Article of the Reg.: Art.9(2)(c) Art.9(2)(d)
Summary: The Commissioner found that DAA was not justified in withholding the requested information on the basis that article 9(1)(b) or article 8(a)(ii) of the AIE Regulations applies
Date: 16-12-2024
Case Number: OCE-153314-C1S1K5
Public Body: DAA Public Limited Company
Article of the Reg.: Art.8(a)(ii) Art.9(1)(b)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the EPA was not justified in refusing access to the information under article 8(a)(i) or article 9(2)(c) of the AIE Regulations.
Date: 13-12-2024
Case Number: OCE-125751-P6M5Y9
Public Body: Environmental Protection Agency
Article of the Reg.: Art.8(a)(i) Art.9(2)(c)
Summary: The Commissioner annulled the internal review decision of the Department in each appeal.
Date: 13-12-2024
Case Number: OCE-153450-L2V1V5, OCE-153396-R2Y2F0, OCE-153919-Z4D8V8, OCE-153206-W6P9H1, OCE-153204-H5L9Y4
Public Body: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: The Commissioner found that APB was justified in refusing the appellant’s request on the basis that no environmental information within the scope of that request is held by or for it
Date: 12-12-2024
Case Number: OCE-141679-B0F0B5
Public Body: An Bord Pleanála
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the Department had not carried out adequate searches for the information requested and annulled and remitted the Department’s decision in order that it carry out a fresh decision-making process.
Date: 12-12-2024
Case Number: OCE-147247-V0M2F9
Public Body: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the Department’s decision to refuse access to the information at issue under article 9(2)(d) of the AIE Regulations was justified and affirmed the decision.
Date: 11-12-2024
Case Number: OCE-116505-D3N5Q7
Public Body: Department of the Taoiseach
Article of the Reg.: Art.3(1) Art.8(a)(iv) Art.9(2)(d)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the Department was not justified in refusing the information sought on the basis that the request was manifestly unreasonable and that the Department had not taken all reasonable steps to identify information within the scope of the appellant’s request. The Commissioner annulled the internal review decision and directed that the Department conduct a fresh internal review process.
Date: 11-12-2024
Case Number: OCE-146286-F2X2B0
Public Body: The Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5) Art.9(2)(a)