Summary: The Commissioner found that the information at issue is “environmental information” within the meaning of article 3(1) of the AIE Regulations and that Tailte Éireann was not justified in refusing the information sought on that basis. The Commissioner also found that article 3(2) did not apply.
Date: 05-09-2024
Case Number: OCE-142307-M4L4P5
Public Body: Tailte Éireann
Article of the Reg.: Art.3(1) Art.3(2)
Summary: Whether the Department was justified under the AIE Regulations in refusing the information sought on the basis that no relevant records exist.
Date: 30-08-2024
Case Number: OCE-149342-B4Z8X1
Public Body: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: The Commissioner annulled Coillte’s decision. He directed the authority to undertake a fresh decision making process in respect of the appellant’s request.
Date: 29-08-2024
Case Number: OCE-126555-Q4Z4S9
Public Body: Coillte
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(3) Art.7(5)
Summary: The Commissioner affirmed the Department’s decision.
Date: 29-08-2024
Case Number: OCE-125862-L9X2X8
Public Body: Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Article of the Reg.: Art.9(1)(b)
Summary: The Commissioner found that the Department was not justified in refusing records sought under Article 7(5) and directed release of relevant environmental information within the scope of the original AIE request.
Date: 29-08-2024
Case Number: OCE-146281-K5G6P4
Public Body: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)
Summary: The Commissioner found Coillte had not provided adequate reasons for the refusal of the requested information. He annulled the decisions of Coillte and directed that a new decision-making process be carried out in respect of each request.
Date: 29-08-2024
Case Number: OCE-130555-Z5P6H0, OCE-129582-B4H2C0 & OCE-150125-C4K4K5
Public Body: Coillte
Article of the Reg.: Art.9(2)(a) Art.9(2)(b)
Summary: The Commissioner varied the decision of the Department in relation to part 4 of the appellant’s request. He affirmed the decision of the Department in relation to parts 4 (a), (b), (c) and (e) on the grounds that all relevant information had been provided to the appellant. He refused part (d) of the request under article 7(5) of the AIE Regulations.
Date: 29-08-2024
Case Number: OCE-145200-F8Q8G1
Public Body: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(1) Art.7(5)
Summary: The Commissioner affirmed the Department’s decision to refuse access to all of the information at issue relating to the HydroSed project under article 9(2)(c) of the AIE Regulations.
Date: 20-08-2024
Case Number: OCE-136261-T6R0G5
Public Body: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.9(2)(c)
Summary: The Commissioner affirmed UCD’s decision to refuse access to all of the information at issue relating to the HydroSed project under article 9(2)(c) of the AIE Regulations.
Date: 16-08-2024
Case Number: OCE-133527-Y7Z4G4
Public Body: University College Dublin
Article of the Reg.: Art.9(2)(c)
Summary: The Commissioner annulled the Department’s decision. He directed the Department to conduct a fresh internal review decision-making process in respect of the appellant’s request.
Date: 15-08-2024
Case Number: OCE-146824-G1D1J6
Public Body: Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine
Article of the Reg.: Art.7(5)